76 research outputs found

    Un mundo de estructuras: Simetrías Grupo-Teóricas desde el Realismo Infoestructural

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    Ontic Structural Realism, as pivotal position in philosophy of science and metaphysics, defends the idea that the world is ultimately constituted of real physical structures. French (2014) regards physical symmetries as the foundational structure of a world without objects. On the other hand, Ladyman and Ross (2007) hold that the world is essentially made of non-redundant informational structure. I argue in this paper that these two positions are by no means incompatible, for instance by interpreting French’s physical symmetries as real structures both encompassing and compressing every piece of information (Kolmogorov complexity) within the world

    Indispensability and Effectiveness of Diagrams in Molecular Biology

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    In this paper I aim to defend a twofold thesis. On one hand, I will support, against Perini (2005), the indispensability of diagrams when structurally complex biomolecules are concerned, since it is not possible to satisfactorily use linguistic-sentential representations at that domain. On the other hand, even when diagrams are dispensable I will defend than they will generally be more effective than other representations in encoding biomolecular knowledge, relying on Kulvicki-Shimojima?s diagrammatic effectiveness thesis. Finally, I will ground many epistemic virtues of biomolecular diagrams (understandability, explanatory power, prediction and hypothesis evaluation) on their cognitive-computational indispensability and their semantic-epistemic effectiveness. Keywords: Molecular Biology, Diagrammatic Representation, Representational Indispensability

    Historical and Conceptual Foundations of Information Physics

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    The main objective of this dissertation is to philosophically assess how the use of informational concepts in the field of classical thermostatistical physics has historically evolved from the late 1940s to the present day. I will first analyze in depth the main notions that form the conceptual basis on which 'informational physics' historically unfolded, encompassing (i) different entropy, probability and information notions, (ii) their multiple interpretative variations, and (iii) the formal, numerical and semantic-interpretative relationships among them. In the following, I will assess the history of informational thermophysics during the second half of the twentieth century. Firstly, I analyse the intellectual factors that gave rise to this current in the late forties (i.e., popularization of Shannon's theory, interest in a naturalized epistemology of science, etc.), then study its consolidation in the Brillouinian and Jaynesian programs, and finally claim how Carnap (1977) and his disciples tried to criticize this tendency within the scientific community. Then, I evaluate how informational physics became a predominant intellectual current in the scientific community in the nineties, made possible by the convergence of Jaynesianism and Brillouinism in proposals such as that of Tribus and McIrvine (1971) or Bekenstein (1973) and the application of algorithmic information theory into the thermophysical domain. As a sign of its radicality at this historical stage, I explore the main proposals to include information as part of our physical reality, such as Wheeler’s (1990), Stonier’s (1990) or Landauer’s (1991), detailing the main philosophical arguments (e.g., Timpson, 2013; Lombardi et al. 2016a) against those inflationary attitudes towards information. Following this historical assessment, I systematically analyze whether the descriptive exploitation of informational concepts has historically contributed to providing us with knowledge of thermophysical reality via (i) explaining thermal processes such as equilibrium approximation, (ii) advantageously predicting thermal phenomena, or (iii) enabling understanding of thermal property such as thermodynamic entropy. I argue that these epistemic shortcomings would make it impossible to draw ontological conclusions in a justified way about the physical nature of information. In conclusion, I will argue that the historical exploitation of informational concepts has not contributed significantly to the epistemic progress of thermophysics. This would lead to characterize informational proposals as 'degenerate science' (à la Lakatos 1978a) regarding classical thermostatistical physics or as theoretically underdeveloped regarding the study of the cognitive dynamics of scientists in this physical domain

    Explicaciones Geométrico-Diagramáticas en Física desde una Perspectiva Inferencial

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    El primer objetivo de este artículo es mostrar que explicaciones genuinamente geométricas/matemáticas e intrínsecamente diagramáticas de fenómenos físicos no solo son posibles en la práctica científica, sino que además comportan un potencial epistémico que sus contrapartes simbólico-verbales carecen. Como ejemplo representativo utilizaremos la metodología geométrica de John Wheeler (1963) para calcular cantidades físicas en una reacción nuclear. Como segundo objetivo pretendemos analizar, desde un marco inferencial, la garantía epistémica de este tipo de explicaciones en términos de dependencia sintáctica y semántica del contenido lo inferido en las premisas, lo cual denominaremos criterio de validez inferencial (CVI)

    Estudio comparativo de los factores relacionados con la elección modal en redes de transporte con sistemas de capacidad intermedia

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    Programa Oficial de Doutoramento en Enxeñaría Civil . 5011V01[Resumen] En esta tesis se analiza si existe una preferencia inherente hacia los modos ferroviarios frente a un autobús equivalente, en el ámbito de los sistemas de capacidad intermedia (SCI). Este fenómeno es conocido con el nombre de rail factor. Se opta por una metodología de estudio basada en la estimación de modelos de demanda de varias tipologías. Posteriormente se realizan simulaciones de distintas políticas destinadas a favorecer el uso del transporte público, con las que se analizan los cambios en el comportamiento de los usuarios ante cambios en las variables influyentes en la elección. También se simula un escenario en el que partiendo de una situación en la que existe un sistema de autobús convencional, se plantea la hipotética implantación de un SCI que puede ser de 2 tipos: autobús de alto nivel de servicio o metro ligero. Para concluir, se analiza la variación del reparto modal entre la alternativa coche y cada uno de los SCI.[Resumo] Nesta tese analízase se existe unha preferencia inherente polos modos ferroviarios fronte a un autobús equivalente, no ámbito dos sistemas de capacidade intermedia (SCI). Este fenómeno é coñecido co nome de rail factor. Óptase por unha metodoloxía de estudo baseada na estimación de modelos de demanda de varias tipoloxías. Posteriormente realízanse simulacións de distintas políticas que favorecen o emprego do transporte público, coas que se analizan os cambios no comportamento dos usuarios ante cambios nas variables que inflúen na elección. Tamén se simula un escenario no que partindo dunha situación na que existe una sistema de autobús convencional, estúdase a hipotética implantación dun SCI que pode ser de 2 tipos: autobús de alto nivel de servizo ou metro lixeiro. Para concluír, analízase a variación do reparto modal entre a alternativa coche e cada un dos SCI.[Abstract] This PhD thesis studies whether an inherent users’ preference for rail-based modes over bus-based equivalent modes exists, in the field of medium-capacity transit systems (MCTS). This phenomenon is usually called rail factor. The methodology of this study is based on the estimation of several types of transport demand models. Afterwards, several policies that promote public transport use are simulated in order to analyse how user’s behaviour changes with the changes in the most influential variables. Moreover, and starting from a scenario in which only a conventional bus exists, a hypothetic implementation of a MCTS which can be of 2 types is simulated: bus with high level of service or light rail transit. Lastly, the variation of modal distribution between car and each MCTS is analysed

    The epistemic schism of statistical mechanics

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    In this paper I will argue that the two main approaches to statistical mechanics, that of Boltzmann and Gibbs, constitute two substantially different theoretical apparatuses. Particularly, I defend that this theoretical split must be philosophically understood as a separation of epistemic functions within this physical domain: while Boltzmannians are able to generate powerful explanations of thermal phenomena from molecular dynamics, Gibbsians can statistically predict observable values in a highly effective way. Therefore, statistical mechanics is a counterexample to Hempel's (1958) symmetry thesis, where the predictive capacity of a theory is directly correlated with its explanatory potential and vice versa

    Gonzalo de Reparaz: "Intelectual Errante"

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    [spa] La tesis presentada a continuación, titulada: Gonzalo de Reparaz: “intelectual errante”, es un estudio de la vida y obra del geógrafo, periodista, escritor y especialista técnico del Estado Gonzalo de Reparaz en forma de biografía política. Partiendo de su extensa obra bibliográfica y su, todavía más extensa, labor periodística, este trabajo trata de reconstruir la vida y, sobre todo, la intervención de Gonzalo de Reparaz en los distintos movimientos políticos y sociales con los que se fue vinculando a lo largo de su vida y, en particular, durante el periodo comprendido entre 1860, año de su nacimiento, y 1913, al ser el momento en que su capacidad de influencia e intervención política desde la prensa alcanzó un mayor desarrollo, coincidiendo con la fuerte corriente de desarrollo del colonialismo imperialista que se estaba viviendo en Europa Occidental, mientras España vivía de forma paralela la desaparición de su propio imperio ultramarino. Gonzalo de Reparaz se integrará en este proceso e intentará dar un vuelco a la situación, a partir de su experiencia portuguesa, defendiendo la conservación de lo que se pudiera salvar del viejo imperio y el abandono de sus partes ya condenadas, pero, sobre todo, apostando por la creación de una alternativa colonial en África. Gonzalo de Reparaz participó al lado de Joaquín Costa en la reclamación de la creación de un Imperio español en África; se convierte en un periodista de cierto prestigio en los principales periódicos madrileños de la década de 1890; protesta vehementemente contra el error que supone para España empecinarse en la Guerra de Cuba, (antes del Desastre); conoce y conspira con el general Polavieja en el confuso marco que envuelve la Guerra de Cuba; negocia en la embajada española de París el reparto de Marruecos entre España y Francia, (en el periodo de intensísima actividad diplomática de principios de siglo que prefigurará las alianzas que chocarán en la I Guerra Mundial); mantiene contactos con destacados miembros del catalanismo político en los primeros años del siglo XX, apostando por este movimiento como una fuerza de regeneración peninsular; se implica a fondo en la gestión española en Marruecos en los años inmediatamente anteriores al establecimiento del Protectorado, hecho que le acabará llevando a un rechazo profundo del modelo colonizador español pese a haber dedicado toda su vida a defender la adquisición de colonias, y a romper con el Estado español autoexiliándose en Sudamérica, donde ejercerá de propagandista germanófilo durante la I Guerra Mundial; en los años 1920 Reparaz vuelve a España, donde formará parte del entorno periodístico de Ortega y Gasset en la redacción del diario El Sol; y, a finales de los años 1930, y a pesar de su avanzada edad, participa junto a los anarquistas en la Revolución española del 36, defendiendo con sus últimas energías la creación de una nueva España ácrata. En todo este trayecto vital escribirá veinte libros, algunos de los cuales son considerados obras de referencia para el estudio del africanismo y el colonialismo español de principios del siglo XX, y, literalmente, miles de artículos de prensa. Gonzalo de Reparaz será por lo tanto, a lo largo de su dilatadísima carrera, y desde la posición semioculta, aunque en ocasiones manifiestamente pública, vocero de causas políticas a través de la prensa y la literatura, en este sentido, Reparaz destacará como publicista africanista, pero también como vocero político, y tratará de promover una serie de reformas, partiendo de los efectos que él pensaba que tendría en España el establecimiento de una dinámica colonial importante con la creación de un imperio africano, que deberían sacar al país de su atraso secular respecto a las grandes potencias europeas y ponerlo en la senda de la modernización en pleno proceso de crisis política, común al sur europeo, causada por la difícil integración de las masas en el sistema político liberal.[eng] The thesis presented below, tittled: Gonzalo de Reparaz: “intelectual errante”, is a political biography based on the life and the proffessional activity of Gonzalo de Reparaz, geographer, writter, journalist and technical advisor of the Spanish goverment. Based on his wide bibliographic works and on his even wider journalist labour, this thesis recovers the intervention of Gonzalo de Reparaz on the diverse political and social agruppations on which he got himself attached, specially in the period compressed between the year 1860, when he was born, and the year 1913, a period in which the influence from his press works gave him some political weight. This period is also the moment of the developement and consolidation of the European imperialism and the “scramble for Africa”, meanwhile the Spanish goverments were struggling to preserve their own colonial imperium. Gonzalo de Reparaz joined entusiastically the new European imperialism and, from his portuguese experience, made several calls to keep what was still useful of the old Spanish empire, to reject the pieces of the empire that could no longer be kept safely, and, specially, to create a new imperial alternative in Africa, as the other European powers, including the weak and well known for him Portugal, were doing. Reparaz was well known as an africanist promoter, but also as a political spokesman from the press, and tried to promote some changes, considering the good results for Spain that he thought that the creation of an African empire would have, in order to modernize his country and achieve the same status as the great European powers, while at the same time the country was struggling with the southern European crisis as a result of the inhability to incorporate the working class masses to the liberal regime


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    Introduction: power is an important variable in performance assessment. With the increasing availability of power measurement devices, it is simple to associate watts to the running Functional Threshold Power measured in watts (rFTPw) as indicated by Vance (2016). The main goal of this study is to find the most appropriate methodology for rFTPw determination. Material and methods: five different methodologies were carried out in 9 recreational triathletes (22.9 ± 4.8 years) to calculate rFTPw: 3-minute test, 3-minute – 9-minute test, 3-minute – 9-minute Stryd test, 3-laps – 6-lap test and 30-minute test. All tests were performed on an athletics track with a Stryd footpod. Results: the 3-minute – 9-minute test presented a lower average error in comparison to the mean rFTPw value (rFTPw M) of all power and pace measurement tests. Conclusions: the 3-minute – 9-minute test could be the best choice regardless of the distance or duration of the competition because rFTPw changes depending on the duration of each test. The watts associated with Critical Speed (CS) and obtained in the 3-minute test are not a valid measure, given their greater average error in both power and pace. The 30-minute test could be an alternative to determine rFTPw through the data obtained in a training session or competition of similar length. The tests with the lowest average error in power are the ones with the lowest error in pace. Therefore, pace remains the main variable to monitor external load in running.Introduction: power is an important variable in performance assessment. With the increasing availability of power measurement devices, it is simple to associate watts to the running Functional Threshold Power measured in watts (rFTPw) as indicated by Vance (2016). The main goal of this study is to find the most appropriate methodology for rFTPw determination. Material and methods: five different methodologies were carried out in 9 recreational triathletes (22.9 ± 4.8 years) to calculate rFTPw: 3-minute test, 3-minute – 9-minute test, 3-minute – 9-minute Stryd test, 3- laps – 6-lap test and 30-minute test. All tests were performed on an athletics track with a Stryd footpod. Results: the 3-minute – 9-minute test presented a lower average error in comparison to the mean rFTPw value (rFTPw M) of all power and pace measurement tests. Conclusions: the 3-minute – 9-minute test could be the best choice regardless of the distance or duration of the competition because rFTPw changes depending on the duration of each test. The watts associated with Critical Speed ​​(CS) and obtained in the 3-minute test are not a valid measure, given their greater average error in both power and pace. The 30-minute test could be an alternative to determine rFTPw through the data obtained in a training session or competition of similar length. The tests with the lowest average error in power are the ones with the lowest error in pace. Therefore, pace remains the main variable to monitor external load in running.Introdução: a potência é uma variável importante na avaliação de desempenho. Com a crescente disponibilidade de dispositivos de medição de potência, é simples associar watts à Potência Limite Funcional em execução medida em watts (rFTPw) conforme indicado por Vance (2016). O principal objetivo deste estudo é encontrar a metodologia mais adequada para a determinação de rFTPw. Material e métodos: cinco metodologias diferentes foram realizadas em 9 triatletas recreativos (22,9 ± 4,8 anos) para calcular a rFTPw: teste de 3 minutos, teste de 3 minutos – teste de 9 minutos, teste de 3 minutos – teste de Stryd de 9 minutos, teste de 3 minutos voltas – teste de 6 voltas e teste de 30 minutos. Todos os testes foram realizados em uma pista de atletismo com um footpod Stryd. Resultados: o teste de 3 minutos – 9 minutos apresentou menor erro médio em comparação ao valor médio de rFTPw (rFTPw M) de todos os testes de medida de potência e estimulação. Conclusões: o teste de 3 minutos – 9 minutos pode ser a melhor escolha, independentemente da distância ou duração da competição, pois o rFTPw muda dependendo da duração de cada teste. Os watts associados à Velocidade Crítica (CS) e obtidos no teste de 3 minutos não são uma medida válida, dado seu maior erro médio tanto na potência quanto no ritmo. O teste de 30 minutos pode ser uma alternativa para determinar o rFTPw através dos dados obtidos em uma sessão de treinamento ou competição de duração semelhante. Os testes com menor erro médio de potência são os que apresentam menor erro de cadência. Portanto, o ritmo continua sendo a principal variável para monitorar a carga externa na corrida

    AirEsan: ozono mailak aurresateko sistema informatikoa

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    Artikulu honetan, airEsan izeneko sistema informatikoa aurkeztu nahi dugu. airEsan sistemaren bidez eguneko ozono maila maximoak aurresaten dira Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoko (EAEko) Aire Kalitate Sareko zenbait neurtokitan. airEsanek ozono-indizearen eboluzioa eta giza osasunaren babeserako ozono-atalaseen gainditzeak ere aztertzen ditu. Gaur egun, sistema informatiko hau Eusko Jaurlaritzako Ingurugiro Sailak baizik ez du erabiltzen